Tuesday, April 8, 2014



             A most disturbing condition in my gmail account is those daily emails in my inbox that i'm less concerned . this are emails from my gmail groups i hate this but today i'l show you how to get ride of these emails

You can remove yourself from a group using any of these steps:
  • Option 1: Reply to an email from the group with REMOVE ME as the subject of your message.
  • Option 2: Send an email to groupname+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. For example, if you want to leave the group myfriends@googlegroups.com, you can remove yourself by sending a blank email to myfriends+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
  • Option 3: Edit your settings.
    1. Open Google Groups.
    2. Click My Groups > name of the group you want to edit.
    3. In the upper-right corner, click My Settings > Leave this group.

    Unable to unsubscribe

    If you continue to get unwanted emails, make sure you removed the email address that receives the group's emails. Email forwarding, or having multiple Google accounts might be causing your issue.
  • Email forwarding: You're reading an email at john_doe@gmail.com, but the email is actually being forwarded to this address from your john_doe_two@gmail.com account. You can check message headers to see if your emails are being forwarded from another address.
  • Multiple Google accounts: You receive unwanted email at john_doe@example.com, but you can't use that email address to log in to Groups. If you don't have an account for the address that receives the emails, create an account so you can log in and leave the group.

Change your email settings

You can adjust your settings so that you stay a member, but stop receiving group email.
  1. Open Google Groups.
  2. Click My Groups > name of the group you want to unsubscribe from.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click My Settings > Membership and email settings.
  4. From the drop-down, select "Don't send email updates."


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